Construction Document Tracker Template
This Downloadable Template Is Part Of Our Free Free Excel Construction Template Collection
Almost every construction project has an enormous amount of data which must be tracked and kept organized. Moreover, throughout the project, new information will need to be added and existing info will need updating.
This data could include anything from initial designs and approvals to detailed drawings and specifications, to daily and weekly progress reports and inspections.
Our Construction Document Tracker template gives you an easy way to keep all your documentation stored in one location for quick, easy retrieval and maintenance.
This interactive Excel file is pre filled with the formulas you need to start filling it out and utilizing it right away.
The Team At SINC
In the construction industry, there is a mountain of paperwork that governs our lives; everything from contracts and licenses and permits to drawings, specifications, RFPs, change orders and inspection reports. It's a reality most of us would rather not have to deal with but there's no getting around it. What you can do however is ensure your interactions pertaining to paperwork are less overwhelming and somewhat stress-free.
To simplify your life, you can implement a functional document management system that lets you easily add new content, edit it, review it, and share it with pertinent people involved in the project. It sounds complicated but really it isn't. A solid document management system should have files categorized in a logical manner that (give you the ability) to access any record you need within seconds. It should be a scalable solution that can easily adapt to growing environments as new elements are added to the project, or additional projects are managed in tandem. It should be secure to prevent unauthorized access to XXX data, and yet easily shareable with the stakeholders who need access. The simplest solution for most companies is leveraging one of the popular cloud services such as Google Drive for storing files, in tandem with a tracker, and for larger firms with more moving pieces, it's common to either use a pre-packaged software solution, or have software tailor made.
Above all, you need to get buy-in from the people who will be using the system to ensure they follow the steps necessary to make the system effective. You should involve stakeholders from the get-go and get their feedback every step of the way. Communicate the changes across the board and ensure everyone understands how the new system will improve their lives.
This sample resource is provided to you free by SINC BUSINESS CORPORATION to help with your compliance efforts and includes no warranty as to its suitability for any particular task. It is only our opinion based on our experience and should not be considered legal advice.