Employee Performance Evaluation Checklist Template
This Downloadable Template Is Part Of Our Free HR Tool Kit Collection
Employee performance evaluations are an essential task for businesses of all sizes. Think of evaluations as a tool to help you to check in with your employees. They can help you identify problems that you may not otherwise notice.
Whether somebody is slacking off or should be considered for a promotion, an employee performance evaluation is going to help you figure it out.
The fillable PDF template can be downloaded for free below. We hope this makes managing your small business HR needs a little easier!
The Team At SINC
How to Best Evaluate Employee Performance:
• Schedule Regular Reviews It is essential that an employee knows how well they are doing in their job and what exactly is expected from their performance. Scheduling reviews helps keep the line of communication open between you and your employees. And that feedback can help you find out what areas need improvement. You can schedule reviews monthly, quarterly, biannually, or annually.
• Keep Things Well Documented For your performance reviews to be effective, you are going to want to take good notes. Keep files on your individual employees. Be sure to document any accomplishments, trainings, investigations, etc.
• Do Face-To-Face Evaluations From Time To Time They may not be the most popular, but they are effective. Facilitating quick 15-minute evaluations with your employees can be really productive. Sitting down to talk eliminates the possibility for distractions. It creates a space to focus specifically on positive change and development.
• Give Actionable And Constructive Feedback It can be a little awkward to share negative feedback, but it really will help. Try to be as constructive as you can. Be clear and concise. Hone in on specific issues or things you’ve observed that have actionable suggestions for improvement. Be sure to recognize their positive contributions and achievements as well, and once again, be specific. Employees like to know that you take notice of the things they’re doing well.
• Consider Sending Out Employee Surveys This will help you to get some internal feedback and keep open the communication pathways between you and your employees.
• Standadize Your Evaluations This helps to keep things consistent across the board for all your employees. An easy way to standardize your evaluations is to use a template and we’ve got one for you.
Employee Performance Evaluation Checklist Template:
This sample resource is provided to you free by SINC BUSINESS CORPORATION to help with your compliance efforts and includes no warranty as to its suitability for any particular task. It is only our opinion based on our experience and should not be considered legal advice.