Free OSHA Safety Signs For Download

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These downloadable PDF signs are part of our Free DIY Safety System Collection

Most workplaces will require the posting of safety signs in several areas. In order to save you guys some money, we made this comprehensive range of PDF signs that you can download and print for free.

The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) has been created to protect workers from the health and safety hazards that they are subjected to while on the job. The OSH Act has aided in preventing countless workplace injuries, illnesses, and fatalities.

It establishes processes that help put a stop to any hazards. Additionally, it gives us laws to help us best deal with situations where workplace safety compliances haven’t been met.

As an employer, it is important that you are well-acquainted with OSHA. The responsibility falls on you to educate and instruct your workers on how to be mindful of their health and safety.

You need to take the necessary precautions to protect your employees. And in order to do so, you’ll want to comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines. Some of your responsibilities are to:

    check markMake sure your workplace conditions are acceptable by OSHA standards.
    check markGive your employees safe tools that are adequately maintained.
    check markProvide safety training in a language that all of your employees understand.
    check markSet up operating procedures and communicate the safety and health requirements to your employees.
    check markDo not discriminate against employees who are protected under the Whistleblower Protection Act.
    check markPut into effect a written hazard communication program if there are toxic or dangerous chemicals in the workplace.
    check markOffer medical exams and training for your employees when necessary.
    check markKeep records of any injuries, big or small, that happen in the workplace and report any serious ones to a nearby OSHA office.
    check markConsider acquiring a safety and health program. These are interventions that are strongly encouraged by OSHA. They are based on topics like employee involvement, management leadership, and a methodical approach to identifying and resolving hazards.
    check markPost any OSHA citations around the workplace until they are resolved. Correct them before the citation deadline and submit the necessary abatement verification paperwork.
    check markUse posters or signs, ideally color-coded ones, to alert employees of any possible risks.

As you can see above, we’ve created a collection of free downloadable A3 safety signs to help your business with safety compliance. We’ve split them into four different categories:


General Business Safety Signs

Fire Safety Signs

Traffic Safety Signs

We hope this makes managing your small HR business needs a little easier!

Construction Safety Signs

General Business Safety Signs

Fire Safety Signs